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My name is Benjamin Ignace, I'm a biologist/photographer based in French Polynesia. After a Master degree in Species Conservation, I started to work with the Ornithological Society of Polynesia to protect the most endangered birds of French Polynesia. My work bring me to live 5 years in Fatu Hiva in the south of the Marquesas archipelago to help avoiding the extinction of the Oma'o Ke'eKe'e (pomarea withneyi), one of the most endangered bird in the world with only 5 breeding pairs for less than 20 individuals. Working and living close to the Marquesans have been more than an amazing adventure on this tiny and remote island. My work on the Fatu Hiva Monarch have been published in the BBC Wildlife magazine in 2022. 

Working for bird conservation bring me to a lot of places in French Polynesia and since 2019 I'm dedicated to raise awereness on the most vulnerable species and highlight the different conservation programm that have been implemented. 


With the photo  "Game of shadows" :

  • Selected by the members of the National Geographic Jury for the contest "Daily Life" (2014)

  • Exhibited in Carrousel du Louvre for the Fotofever 2014

  • 3rd place on the contest "Thème libre N&B" of Reponses Photo magazine in 2017 

With the photo "shape" :

  • Coup de cœur du jury de l'exposition du Salon de l'Ecologie 2019 (Montpellier)

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© Benjamin Ignace

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